SphereOX No-Coat


SphereOX No-Coat Sand Additive® combines the defect fighting benefits of SphereOX Foundry Sand Additive® and protective benefits of the strongest ceramics to produce the highest quality finish.

SphereOX No-Coat has specific thermal advantages to provide surface finish better than any other sand additived. Interestingly, castings made with SphereOX No-Coat can have better surface finish than castings made with core/mold coatings.

“SphereOX No-Coat Makes Perfect Castings”

When molten metal interacts with silica sand, the reaction can be destructive. Silica sand will expand and then contract while the molten metal is physically forced through the sand grains, due to head pressures. When SphereOX No-Coat is added to the silica sand, the expansion of the silica is negated and at the same time, nano-particles bind to form a coating-like barrier within the sand. This barrier helps to prevent penetration and burn-in defects.

Advantages of SphereOX No-Coat:

  • Eliminates coating cost and drying times
  • Reduces grinding and welding costs
  • Minimize labor cost
  • Lower resin levels by 5-10%
  • Excellent chill and refractory properties

No-Coat Sand Additive

Humtown Products is a proud distributor of No-Coat Foundry Sand Additive by Sphere Ox

No Coat Super Sack Truckload (13) Super Sacks
Pounds 3,300 lb. 42,900 lb. (13) Super Sacks
Price $2,107.32 ea $ 21,968.09

Freight not included.

To place an order or get more information, email Brandon@sandbox.humtown.com.

Get a quote for no-coat sand additive.