Place A Purchase Order

Place A Purchase Order

  • You may attach your drawings or specifications by clicking the Browse buttons below. Please browse to your file directory and select your file to attach. The maximum upload file size is 256MB.

    *All uploaded files are transmitted safely and stored securely.

    If there is a file size issue, please state that in the additional Information area so that we may contact you with an alternative to sending files.

  • Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: prt, sldprt, sldlfp, prtdot, sldftp, x_t, x_b, igs, step, stp, ifc, sat, vda, wrl, stl, 3mf, amf, eprt, 3dxml, xaml, cgr, prt, hcg, hsf, dxf, dwg, pdf, psd, ai, jpg, iges, Max. file size: 256 MB.